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Blacklisting by Company or Specific Targets

If there are people in your network that you want to avoid messaging, you can create a Saved Search on Sales Navigator or a standard search on LinkedIn to blacklist them in mass. This is particularly useful if you want to prevent contacting people who match a particular demographic, segment, or company.

Create a Saved Search or Standard Search

  1. In Sales Navigator create a Saved Search. You can start this by using the search bar and applying relevant filters. The same applies for a standard search on LinkedIn.
  2. For example, to blacklist everyone working at EOS Worldwide, you would use the “Current company” filter and enter “EOS Worldwide”.

Blacklisting Contacts in LinkedSavvy

  1. In LinkedSavvy, add the Saved Search or standard search you just created as a Contact List.
  2. Create a new campaign and name it something like “Blacklist EOS WW” (following the example above)
  3. In the campaign builder, use only the “View profile” task and in the task additional settings select the “Add contact to a list” option then target the general Blacklist (it will usually be the first on the list).
  1. Launch the campaign. LinkedSavvy will view the profiles of everyone in the Saved Search or standard Search and add them to your Blacklist.

Advanced: Creating a “Blacklist” Lead List on Sales Navigator

  1. In Sales Navigator, create a Lead List specifically for blacklisting.
  1. Create a Saved Search that uses the Blacklist Lead List as a filter.
  1. In LinkedSavvy, add this Saved Search as a Contact List and repeat steps 1-6 as the app will continuously scrape the Search and add anyone in the Blacklist Lead List to your blacklist using the campaign.

Additional Tips

  • You can use this same approach to suppress contacts from other campaigns.
  • If you’re struggling to figure out how to do something, don’t hesitate to ask for help by submitting a ticket or joining our Slack channel to gather further insights from our community of experts.

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Updated on September 11, 2024
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